Make a difference...Adopt Soldiers.  

Help these heroes, make a difference, become a sponsor.

Operation Appreciation is seeking EVERYONE with a willing heart able to donate:

  •  Time
  •  Money
  •  Care package materials 

Sponsor Activities

 Operation Appreciation is in its first year of service and is in need of some sponsors to fully support the men and women of the 320th Field Artillary Regiment 4th Battalion. The immediate plan is to send care packages to these heroes of ours while they are deployed. It is vital that these soldiers have support and items from home to be with them on foreign soil to remind them of what they will be coming home to! The cost of these activities and supplies add up and when we are taking care of this many soldiers, spouses, and children.

 During this deployment, serious research will be done on post traumatic stress disorder and its effect on the soldier, their families, and their lives after their tours overseas. As soon as we obtain more sponsors this dream of ours can really reach its full potential. Please help these soldiers during the holidays and their deployment. May God Bless Each and Every One of You!

 Care Package Material Needed!

 Below is a list of materials that has been approved to send to these heroes of ours. We need a lot of help in this department due to the quantity of materials needed to support 112 soldiers. Any donations would be greatly apprciated! If you wish to donate items please mail them to our address or make other arrangement by contacting us at operationappreciation320@yahoo.com


Ramen Noodles

Easy Mac



Laundry Detergent

Dryer Sheets



Hard Candy

Q Tips

Stationary Supplies


Bug Repellant

Instant Hot Chocolate

Word Games


Sunflower seeds

Trail mix


Waterproof Sunscreen

Baby Wipes



Dental Floss

Lotion: small bottles


Toilet Paper

Eye Drops

Throat Lozenges

Lip Balm

Pain Relievers: Tylenol, Aspirin, Motrin

Jock itch powder

Foot powder

Meal replacement drinks: Ensure, lighweight bottles instead of cans

Chips: vacuum packed cans rather than bags

Miniature personal Fan

"Guy Magazines": Guns & Ammo, Hunting, Fishing, Hot Rods

Playing cards

Chewing Gum

Homemade Cookies: These are a HUGE morale booster!





Pen Pals Needed!

We hope to get a pen pal for each of our soldiers. We will take care of our single soldiers first who do not have a spouse or a large family back home sending them mail. If you wish to become a pen pal, address and contact information will be provided upon request.