Make a difference...Adopt Soldiers.  

Hey everyone,

I hope 2009 has been as much of a blessing for all of you as it has for me. I would like to thank those who have gone out of their way to help Operation Appreciation. I want to thank Cumberland University and the admissions office staff along with the FOCUS students who have worked long hours and late nights with me to make care packages. I would like to also thank my family for being the most supportive family on the face of the planet. I would like to thank my friends who have been so supportive and I would be lost without the help of Dani and the Lord has blessed my life with my friend Kate as well. I would also like to thank Shelby Mason and her family for their unending support and the amazing company in NIOTA Tennessee that donated the incredible socks for our soldiers. It would be silly not to mention TYRA BANKS who has made 2009 the year of hopes and dreams due to the publicity O.A. got from being on the show. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness for Golden Flake, Standard Candy Company, and Skyline Medical Center. Jennifer Tramel headed up the collection drive at Carson Newman University for the single soldiers "Welcome Home" packages and I cannot get over the amount of stuff we have been given to distribute to our heroes in March. I cannot leave out Operation Troop Appreciation who helped me out when I had no funds in the bank or any sponsors to keep this organization going, they held a collection drive for O.A. as well.I would also like to say a personal THANK YOU to Old Hickory Country Club and their unlimited amount of golf supplies donated to our heroes.

I love you all.
